Radiodetection RD7200

RD7200 Cable and Pipe Locator. Precision Locator Range.
Locating and marking buried utilities quickly, accurately and safely.

The new RD7200 is a no compromise all-industry locator, designed for accurate and effective every day use. Offer many features designed to drive correct usage, reduce utility damage and improve safety, and rugged locator capable to operate in most difficult conditions

Swing Warning System, drives correct usage

Locators must be kept perpendicular to the ground for best accuracy. RD7200 locators have a built-in gyroscopic measurement system which alerts the user of excessive swing, driving correct usage.

StrikeAlert™ in active and passive locating modes

Visual and audio warnings of shallow cables reduces the risk of accidents.

Vibration feedback, reduces the chance of missed warnings

The RD7200 locator handle vibrates when alerts activate, leaving the operator to concentrate on the job at hand.




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