Pulse-Echo (P-E): 0.025 to 36.00 in (0.63 to 914.4 mm).
Echo-Echo (E-E): 0.100 to 6.00 in base metal, and 0.001 to 0.075 in (0.0254 to 1.905mm).
Range dependent on material types and transducer frequency & diameter.
Units: English & Metric
Resolution: 0.001 inches (0.01 millimeters)
Velocity Range: 0.0120 to .7300 in/μs (305 to 18,542 m/sec)
PRF: 200Hz
Display Update Rate: 10Hz
Gain: 40-52dB range in 3dB steps.
Time Dependent Gain (TDG): Used in both pulse-echo (P-E) and Echo-Echo (E-E) modes depending on transducer and frequency selected.
Dual element (transmit and receive.)
1 to 10 MHz frequency range.
Locking quick disconnect LEMO connectors.
4 foot cable.
Custom transducers available for special applications.